Primary Contact: (if different than individual)
Billing Address:  
Address 2:
Zip Code:  
Phone - Office: (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
Cell: (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
Fax:  (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
The price per car is $9 per day. An additional fee of $30 per hour is required if the Ince Parking Structure must open before 8:00 a.m. or remain open after 2:00 a.m. With the fully automated parking system a fee of $0.35 per chaser ticket is charged for all reservations.

Fill out the dates, number of spaces needed, the time in and the time out sections below and then select “Calculate Hours & Fees”. The Hours Before, Hours After and Total Hours columns will automatically populate:
Date(mm/dd/yy) Spaces Needed Time In Time Out Hours After 1:30 AM and Before 8:00 AM Total Hours
:   :  
Total Spaces: 0  (x $9 a spaces per day) =
Total Extra Hours: 0  (x $30 hour)
Validation Ticket Fee: 0  (x $0.35 per space)

Total Fee:

TERMS OF USE: By clicking “Submit Application”, the Individual or Company (Licensee) understands and agrees to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Total Fee payment is payable at least two working days prior to scheduled event.
  2. After payment is made please allow 24 hours for processing and contact the parking office to make arrangements for retrieval of validation tickets on Phone #: (310) 253-7750.
  3. Notification must be given five working days prior to a cancellation in order to receive a refund for unneeded parking spaces. On the day of use, no refunds will be made for pre-purchased parking spaces that are unused.
  4. Lessee agrees to park all cars in the uppermost available parking spaces in the parking structure.
  5. No parkers will be able to exit the parking structure or rented area without payment unless they present a validation ticket from the company or person who leased the spaces together with the ticket pulled at entry. Note: there are no parking attendants at exit.
  6. Each individual utilizing the parking structure will have an additional ticket (validation ticket). Upon exit have motorist use pay stations located on the first and second floor on Culver Boulevard. Motorists will insert original ticket pulled at entry followed by the validation ticket (2 tickets). Entry ticket will be scanned and returned to patron. The motorist will proceed to exit and will have 10 minutes to exit the structure after validation. The license plate recognition will open the gate arm automatically. If the gate arm fails to open please insert the validated ticket into the parking column to exit.
  7. All parkers over the agreed upon amount for the days specified will pay to exit the full amount for the time parked.
  8. INDEMNIFICATION: By and on behalf of the Licensee, in consideration of the request for and the granting of this License, it is hereby agreed that the Licensee shall and does hereby indemnify, hold harmless, defend, release and forever discharge the City, and each of their officers, employees and representatives from any and all liability claims, damages, judgments, demands, including attorney fees and court costs, whatsoever, which the Licensee, any persons acting on Licensee’s behalf, or any third person(s) have or may have against the City or any of their officers, employees or representatives by reason of any real or personal property damage, personal injury or death arising or resulting directly or indirectly from Licensee’s use of this License. In addition and for the same consideration, by and on behalf of the Licensee it is hereby agreed the Licensee shall, and hereby does indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City and each of their officers, employees and representatives for any and all claims, judgments, demands and liability, including attorney fees and medical, court and appeals board and any other costs related to any worker’s compensation claim, benefits or liability resulting from any injury to any off-duty police, fire or other City personnel arising or resulting directly or indirectly from any activity related to this License.